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The Mucho Harm of Coco Palms: Why Coco Palms and Australian Gardens don't Mix

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A row of coco palms can turn a garden into a tropical paradise; however, it can also give you a whole heap of problems! Although the coco palm, also known as the queen palm, does have several benefits—for instance, a fast growth rate, straight trunk, and tropical appearance—it is also harmful to the environment. This is why it is classified as a weed in Eastern Australia.

If your garden is home to one or more coco palms, consider having it professionally removed by tree services; otherwise, you could be faced with the following challenges.

They Produce Seedlings Galore

Originally from South America, these trees produce a huge amount of berries each year. Unless these seeds are removed before they ripen, you could find yourself with a lawn covered with coco palm seedlings.

Australian Native Plants Can't Compete

Coco palms have an extremely aggressive root system which can easily out-compete native Australian plants and lawns in their vicinity for water and nutrients. When coco palms are placed near by, lawns may dry up and become yellowed and plants wilt unless you keep them well-watered and fed.

Pests Build Nests in Coco Palm Crowns

Rats, birds, and fruit bats are attracted to coco palms because of the huge number of berries on offer. Not only will these pests build nests in the crown of your coco palms, but they will also make a mess of the surrounding area. Bird and bat droppings might stain your car and decking, and rats may transition from the tree to your roof.

Cockroaches and spiders are also known to thrive in the crowns of coco palms.

Coco Palms Kill Flying Foxes

Flying foxes, or fruit bats, are a protected species in Australia. However, if your garden contains coco palms, you are unknowingly endangering the lives of flying foxes in the area. Due to their love of nectar and pollen, flying foxes are attracted to coco palms' abundance of fruits and flowers in spring.

However, flying foxes can become entangled in coco palms and become trapped or even damage their fragile limbs whilst trying to escape. The fruits of coco palms are also deadly to flying foxes. They can cause constipation resulting in dehydration, they are toxic, and the seeds can become trapped between the teeth of flying foxes and eventually lead to their starvation.

If your garden contains coco palms, consider having them removed and replaced with something more environmentally friendly, such as a majesty palm. Make sure you check with your local council before proceeding as you may require a permit if the trees are protected.
